St Nicholas Canewdon

Brief History of the Church

We have a beautiful 14th-century Parish Church that is situated on top of a hill overlooking the River Crouch. Its impressive 15th-century tower, a landmark for many miles, is said to have been erected by Henry V following his victory at the Battle of Agincourt in France. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I the tower was used as a navigation point along the River Crouch. During the First World War the tower was used for observation and as a signalling post. The old village lock-up and stocks are located to the east of the church.

In 2008, following a very generous bequest from a member of the congregation, a new peal of 10 bells was installed complete with a new ringing chamber, which can be viewed from the main body of the church.

Reverend Ernie Guest

Contact Details:

01702 936584

Warden: Andrea Bedford

Contact details:

Tel: 01702 314547

Mobile: 07791 662522


Find us and contact us

St Nicholas Church

High Street 



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